Oxford World School

School Transport FAQ

To ensure a smooth and safe commuting experience for our students, please refer to the following frequently asked questions regarding the school transport service.

General Transport Queries

Existing Parents: Re-enroll by paying the transport fees through the MCB Parent Portal.

New Parents: Complete the Transport Application Form (available with the Transport Manager between 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM) and make the transport fee payment via the MCB      Parent Portal before the specified deadline.

Yes, all students using the school bus will wear a yellow lanyard for easy identification.

Existing Parents: Transport services commence immediately after fee payment.
New Parents: The start date may vary; please confirm with the Transport Manager.

 The minimum subscription period is six months. Transport fees are non-refundable.

Operational Guidelines

Route-wise rosters are uploaded at the beginning of the academic year. Parents must refer to the schedule for exact timings.

The bus will wait 2-3 minutes at the designated stop. If the student misses the bus, parents are responsible for dropping them off at school.

School buses follow fixed routes with designated pick-up and drop-off points, typically at society gates.

Our school transport service adheres to all government safety regulations and is managed by an authorized third-party service provider.

  • Key safety features include:
  1. Regular vehicle maintenance and inspections
  2. Licensed and trained badge-holder drivers
  3. A lady attendant present on every bus
  4. Fire extinguishers and first-aid kits onboard
  5. GPS tracking system with parent access

Yes, a trained lady attendant is assigned to each bus for student safety.

Only pre-approved individuals (as designated by parents in writing) are allowed to pick up students. A photo ID and contact number must be provided.

School transport is mandatory for all students, except those living within 500 meters of the school. Private and unauthorized transport is strictly prohibited as per government regulations.

Fee & Payment Guidelines

No, transport fees are non-refundable, and a minimum six-month fee applies.

Transport fees are charged in six-month terms.

  • For mid-term admissions:
  1. First three months of a term: Full six-month fee applies.
  2. 4th to 6th month: Three-month fee + next term’s fee in advance.
  3. Last 15 days of a term: Parents must arrange transport for 15 days; the next term’s fee applies.

Payments should be made via the MCB Parent Portal.

In special cases, NEFT or cheque payments may be permitted with prior approval.


Yes, parents can track their child’s bus via the School Transport App.

Delays exceeding 15 minutes will be communicated via the Parent Portal.

Special Cases & Additional Services

Parents must inform the Transport Department / School Helpdesk:

  • Pre-primary: Before 10:30 AM
  • Grade 1 – 10: Before 1:00 PM

Last-minute emails for such requests are discouraged.

Yes, subject to availability. Transport fees may be adjusted based on distance.

  • Parents must:
  1. Email the Transport Department / School Helpdesk.
  2. Fill out the Address Change Application Form (available in the Student Almanac).
  3. Discuss the distance and fee slab with the Transport In-Charge.
  • Fee Adjustments:
  1. Increase in fee: The difference must be paid.
  2. Decrease in fee: The new rate applies from the next installment.
  3. Refunds are not provided for address changes.

No, for security reasons, all communication must be made through the Transport In-Charge.

Yes, subject to availability. Students availing school transport and attending remedial or accelerated learning classes may be assigned an alternate bus route.
No extra charges apply.

For any further inquiries, please contact the Transport Department

Ensuring Safe and Reliable School Transport for All! 
